If you have found yourself on a path of Personal and Spiritual Awakening, in any capacity, you have likely heard much said about the ‘Self’.


Much has been written and there is a great deal of “knowledge” about various concepts of the “Self”, what it is, how it operates, and what it means for and to us; Individually and Collectively.

We have modern Schools of Psychology which have defined the “Self”, or the “Psyche” Aspect of an Individual, in regard to how the “One” Percieves Their Own Being; in relation to the greater “outside” World. 

Carl Jung’s theory that the ‘Person’ is a combination of a Greater “Whole” Self and a smaller “Ego” Self has been popularized in the world today, with Millions of People being aware of and discussing the role the Ego plays in our “Reality” and our Awareness; and how it affects our relationships to, and with, Each Other. 
Additionally, he suggested we have a Conscious “Mind” an Unconscious/Sub-Conscious “Mind” through which our awareness is developed and directed through these aspects of our Self; on a journey to either becoming a “Fragmented Self”, or a “Whole Self”. 

Most of us in the developed Nations are familiar with these ideas and concepts to a degree, and they could even be regarded as “common knowledge” as they are widely accepted and adopted.

For those of us choosing to walk a Spiritual Path, or a Sacred Path, we also encounter numerous Ancient teachings which all aim to describe the “Higher Purpose” of our Being and our Existence in this Individual Life, with approaches for living One’s Life in order to acheive the goal of Unification; 
or “Oneness” with that “Higher Purpose”.

All Religions have their philosophies, stories, beliefs, and approaches in this regard; primarily being Monotheistic Theologies wherein “Oneness and Unification” means a return to a Fatherly/Masculine/God Archetype, or Creat[or] Aspect.
There are many Ancient Creat[rix] or Motherly/Feminine/Goddess Theologies as well throughout our Human History.

Many in the World are exploring Alternative paths to Spirituality, as I have myself; moving away from the Monotheistic Religious Culture I was born and brought up into at an early age. 

Spirituality, being that aspect of my Being, Existence, and Reality which recognizes that “I” is part of Something Greater than my Individual Self, and this Brief Life, which has a Greater Whole Purpose than this Physical Existence alone; and the earnest desire and yearning to be an active Participant in this Greater Whole Creation. 

One of my first introductions into Alternative Spiritual concepts and perspectives was through reading Joseph Campbell’s ‘Power of Myth’ as a young woman, which exposed me to an entire world of Alternative stories, perspectives, and concepts in the realms of Metaphor, Archetype, and Symbolism. I had also discovered Native American Spirituality, and was exposed to Indigenous practices and perspectives on Spirit and prayer, which expanded my vision and awareness of my own connection to that “greater principle” of Creation and my own place within it. Additionally, I would be introduced to Carlos Castaneda’s books on Toltec Mysticism.
As a young teenager at the time from a conservative religious culture, this enabled me to access multiple dimensions of thought and perception.

The Spiritual belief of my family of origin is Mormonism. And this is a Religion of Christian Mysticism (even though it insists that only the founder was a Mystic) who opened the channel of source connection and teachings and ongoing communication through the “leaders” of the Church who have followed. The Average Layperson or Member, is limited in this ability to be the vessel for communication with Spirit, save the practice of those Men who hold the “Priesthood”; as in, being able to give God’s blessing on behalf of another. 
It is deeply steeped in Mystical and Mythological ideas and Symbolism, and is fundamentally Masonic in it’s teachings and practices; mostly reserved only for those Members who are endowed to do Temple “work”.

Because this knowledge was impressed upon me at a young age, I was naturally drawn to Symbolic Language and Archetypal Representation, and it was something I felt I could understand well; endowing me with keen vision into the inner- and under-workings of concepts, deeper and hidden meanings, and fundamental Human Nature.

The High and Holy Aspects of the teachings of my upbringing, those of Re-Union, Unification, and Oneness; are relatable and inspiring and uplifting concepts. All except the aspects of Patriarchy, or the present Masculine Hierarchy and Systems, in which those “higher” states can only be available to the “chosen ones” or the members of the Church;
while the rest perish or are condemned to living out Eternity at a more “lowly” existence, or realm of “Heaven”.

I was aware very early of the stark contrast and dichotomy present in the Heaven/Hell concept.. 
My early life was saturated in continuous programming that we must obey in order to be “saved” in the afterlife. It has impacted me and all my relationships long into my adulthood, as I lived in a predominantly Mormon Culture most of my life.

The theme of Re-Union and Salvation and the desire to possess it, while also living in Fear of it being withheld or removed from us, along with the pressing reality of being a “lost one”, or even punishment as in “Eternal Damnation”;
are Two Polar Extremes, to which Millions adhere and hold to in their perceptions and in their Minds. 

These concepts dictate our perception of the World and ourselves in it, as well as define the roles we play out with One Another in the realms of Life; coloring all other information coming through.

People who really love Jesus and want to see themselves as “good, righteous, and humble” believers, can oftentimes be the One’s who in a seeming heartfelt way, will offer and ask to pray for Another. 
While the intention appears to be to exchange love and heartfelt connection, there is a projection that this Person makes upon the Other that they must agree with the concept of Salvation, or that belief in sin and the need for the “lost soul” in each of us, to be “saved”; in the end, or in the After Life. 

It is an agreement in the un-acceptable, or “rejected” state of Being;
in the One, and the Other.
How can believing in another’s “rejected” state, or asking another to accept and agree with their own, yours, or anyone’s “rejected” state; truly share Love?

To ask not to be “prayed” over or for, could easily be interpreted as rejection of One’s personal value and their faith; which is important to them. And it would make for difficult ongoing Human connection, as One and the Other can no longer relate.

It’s not unusual to recieve this type of response from devout believers of other faiths and Spiritual Paths, as I have equally been followed around a Krisna temple with a devotee chanting “Hare Krisna” behind us as we looked around. And, Buddhist Monks coming around me in a prayerful pose chanting Mantras for me. 
In their minds, they are doing us a service in the work of saving our Souls; even FOR us, in a way. 

I always felt and saw these actions and responses as that Soul begging and pleading for it’s own Re-Union, and that it is less about me; although I was always grateful for the prayers which I accepted that maybe I needed, as I battled with my own internal Self-Imposed Hells of believing in my own potential “lostness/brokenness/rejected” state of Being.
It was a harmful and challenging perception that led to greater confusion within my own Self as to my value and purpose in the World, as a by-product of my own conditioning; which has been challenging perception to move through in myself and in anyone that walks this path.

Yet through it I have grown, and found my way back to knowing my own inherent Truth. 

It is so present and prevalent in many, if not ALL Spiritual Paths, this seeming “Saved/Damned” ideology. It is no wonder that it can be so easy for us Human Beings to wonder if we are actually “ok”, and if we will actually “be ok”.
It is an unhealthy Mental State to exist within. 
And, really strange and saddening that One would ever see or feel to assert upon Another that they must join and “agree” that they are also “lost”, in danger of being Damned, in need of Saving;
and suffer us both to that Separation.

It’s practically impossible to be in a State of Oneness with One Another, when we operate with this Perception and in this Mind-State.

I have experienced the cleansing potentials of practicing Ancient Sanskrit and Tibetan and Germuk Mantras or Sacred Sounds/syllables/vibrations, which similarly express these themes of praying for the Self and all Beings in Creation to awaken from the Illusion of Life and merge with Oneness; through vibrational principles, sound currents, and energetic philosophies.
I have been familiar with Musical concepts and learned to sing early on in my Life, which also mirrors and reflects these principles. Sound and Vibration shift our Being and Awareness in many ways. 
Every Thing is vibrating at a unique frequency and is affected by other frequencies.

There are similar themes in each of these Theologies about overcoming this “lostness” potential of the Self to find and achieve Unification with the “Highest” Principles of Creation. 
In all schools of Buddhism, for which the Tibetans are included, there is a belief in Reincarnation, which gives rise to “Karma”, or the principles of Cause and Effect; in that every action causes an equal and/or opposite reaction in Creation. 
Our actions in each Lifetime are exacted upon us over a countless number of Lifetimes, through the Ages.

It was Guatama Buddha’s revelation and Great Insight under the Boddhi Tree, where he invisioned that the Wheel of Dharma and the Great Ocean of Samsara (or the wandering suffering and Nature of a Soul lost in vast amounts of Cause and Effect);
robs us of our Oneness and Unity with Creation’s Highest Principles, and causes us to create countless Lifetimes of Karma which we must seek “Liberation” from. 

The teachings from there are thus all the ways that this revelation and it’s deeper meaning for us has attempted to be articulated and put into practice throughout time, and now, throughout many cultures. The doctorines of each School, path, and approach differ slightly with the same focus, in having a way to avoid the “lostness” and continued Karmic agreements;
which keep One and the Whole Collectively, locked into endless cycles of Birth, Death, and Rebirth, Eternally… Samsara.

The purpose of One’s Life, according to this approach and veiw, is to move through these processes for our Awakening, and to live each Lifetime as if we want to be Liberated; through Awareness and Personal Practices and observances.
Again, each one differs in their approach as to how One does this with their specific practices and organizational principles.


In the Ancient Veda’s of India, the experience we call “reality” is the called the “Divine Play” of thought in the “Mind” of the Creator/Creation, which is Siva; the almighty Masculine Lord. The Illusory Nature of the “thought” is called the “Maya” or the “Illusion”, and the “Play” is the “Leela”; and the task for the Devotee is to learn to differntiate between being the “Player”, and being “played” by the Illusion. 
All paths of Yoga in India, Tibetan Buddhism and all Buddhist paths, are thus paths for the One to follow in their Lifetime to acheive Enlightenment or Samadhi; or, release from Samsara and the attainment of Nirvana, Liberation, and Bliss.

I was in my early 20’s and having an experience of lostness in the Great Unknown of my current Life State and Purpose, when a new friend exposed me to Thich Nhat Hahn and his book ‘The Heart of Buddha’s Teachings’. I was blessed with an opportunity to also be able to attend a live meditation and talk with Thich around that time, in a most miraculous series of Synchronicites (which I can share in another story, another day).

I came to awareness that the Heart of Buddha’s teachings was in his witness and observation that while “pain” is an inevitible aspect of Life and being Alive; suffering is a chosen state of existence and Being which we create with our ignorance towards and about our “bigger picture” of having a Greater Purpose as a Developing Soul and Living Aspect of Creation. 

Dharma is a principle that all things are part of the Greater Whole and serve a part and an aspect of that Greater Creation, in a Greater Harmonic. The Greater Cycles, Greater Unfolding, and Greater Purpose of Creation. 
Dharma is also considered the Individual Personal Constitution and Purpose/Path/Work in this Lifetime, and One’s Individual “progression” through our Soul’s development and resolution of Karma, etc.. on our way to our Soul’s Liberation.

The Constitution & Dharma of The Individual Self is defined by Astrological Principles and influences found in one’s Birth Chart, or the position of the Planets, Constellations and Stars in the Heaven’s at the time of One’s Birth. 
The Self then becomes a vehicle for which the Soul may encounter learning through experience, and thus must be purified and controlled; or be controlled by the Maya and the primal, unconscious, and deviant forces.

I’ve been following Astrology for as long as I have known I could read them in newspapers. I was an 80’s kid. It has taken me years to understand any of it’s deeper Mythology and Symbolism and really integrate it as useful wisdom. I’m always working to deconstruct and reconstruct any elements I feel don’t work, or don’t resonate in harmonic resonance and alignment for me; in relation to all the other elements. 
I need to feel/see/know an outcome or picture that is coherent, and if it’s not coming through for me that way, I work to fine tune it. First, by checking in with myself and feeling what I need to feel to be in coherence within, which reveals to me what in the external also needs to shift in order to be in harmonic resonance, or alignment with that feeling state to occur and find overall coherency again. 

As such, I’ve also explored and experienced Sidereal or Jyotish Astrology which has a slightly alternative way of interpreting Astrological Principles, Myths and Symbolisms than the mainstream way in newpapers and magazines, and now web pages; informing all curious individuals around the World about the movements of the Planets and their effects on our Personal Psychological States of Being, and Personality Construction, as well as the Global Psychic “Weather”; through the Tropical Zodiac.

I became more and more curious about this idea of a Soul’s growth potential, or type of developmental process or procession of Self-Development towards “Oneness/Integration/Wholeness”, and saw a conflict present in this focus upon getting “through” the process to reach the aim of getting “out” of the Process. 
Because of my conscious awareness of Myth and the role it plays in our development of “Psyche”, or the way we perceive oneself (and the resulting costruct or veiw of the external world and one’s place in it, which defines and is the basis of one’s choices and actions);
I have personally taken a deep-dive into this shadowy realm, to investigate all that it holds and represents to us, and how it thereby affects us, me, and everything in Creation.

All of these Spiritual traditions, teachings, approaches and paths that many with genuine positive intent are following, are Universally holding a framework and construct of belief which implies directly or indirectly, that the purpose of this Life and the Individual is to Grow and Develop as An Awareness;
with the result of Complete Integration of the Individual into the “One-ness”.

Yet, there is much distortion present within these concepts still, which pressures the Individual to “overcome” the Self, implying the “Self’s” inherrent “lowliness” and “flawed” nature; 
or the inherrant and inescapable reality of “seperation” from that Oneness.

The Self, described as ‘The Ego’ by many, is the representation of the Individuated Self-Awareness and Self-Identification/Person-ality which constitutes the ‘Psyche’, which is the “I” orientation point in Space and Time and in reference to the “other”; which is not my own individuated Self-Awareness. 
Jesus taught the “I Am” presence in his teachings, that he is an aspect of, or son of, the Divine. Teaching further, that we ALL are an Aspect, a Son or Daughter, of the same Higher Creation. The Divine Imprint.

The “Person-ality” or behaviour traits, characteristics and attributes of the Individual Identity, are but one aspect of the “Person”, albeit in this Life Program, a very essential component; allowing Me to be “me”, and You to be “you”. 

We are often brought up in the Modern Worldview, to extol the individual Person-ality to the Highest Heights of success. We are directed to “compete, advance, profit, gain, and win”. Or else Lose.
And the World is indeed a product of this Game, with some experiencing the protection and safety of “having”, while many experience the challenge and triumphs of being a “have not”. The disparity is great. 
Many believers would say that the World is showing us the Truth of what the Doctorines teach, and that this state exists because of Humanities “wickedness”, and are waiting for the time of reckoning;
the return of Christ, the 2nd Coming, bringing judgement on “Judgement Day”. Or, what other “prophecies” have fortold and foreshadowed about our future “destruction” event.

In my own investigations and experiences of this Global reality, I see our beliefs creating this state of Being, as a result of the views that are held and perpetuated.. by us, through us, and As us. 
Rather than this all happening “to us”.

In order to overcome potential disaster for the Collective, and the Self, all the Teachers & Sages are telling us the we must overcome the Ego-Self-Identified aspect of One’s Being & Awareness, because it can in*deed, create “reality”. 

The Ego serves us as our Avatar aspect in this dimensional reality, or the interface we use to operate within this reality, or the interface we use to operate within this Life Program. 
It is essential both to our function and our survival, that we have this interface capacity of an Individuated Aspect. 
We could not carry out Co-Operation, if we didn’t.

Issues arise not from having an “Ego”, but in letting the Ego be the “I Am” presence, which grows larger than the Natural, Divine and Sacred, Natural Self aspect within the Being; and Globally. 
Becoming Dis-Integrated, or, not Whole unto Itself.
Investing belief, faith, and reinforcement that the “I” is the Whole and Total Truth of the “I Am” presence, causes the One to become too attached Energetically to what “it” creates, and for suffering to result when the false identification of the Person-ality’s actual level of physical “control” of the “I” is stripped away from us; through loss, devastation, Death, and the inevitable changes and challenges of Life. 

Buddha saw this attachment tendency. Jesus saw the attachment tendency. Mohammad, and all our other Golden Era teachers and Sages saw this tendency and attempted to find a way to explain it, describe it, and remedy it. Jung, and many other Modern Era teachers have also attempted to describe and explain it. 

For the Majority of us, especially in the developed Western World, there is a great emphasis placed upon the Little “Me” Egoic Person-ality and it’s Material measures of “success” and “failure” in the Global program of Capitalization and Consumerism. Millions see their “value” in this system/model/program as dependent on the ability to survive and get out “ahead”; get out “on top”. They have accepted their identity as being all there is, and just the “way it is”.
The way “things are”. The way they’ll “always be”, as it’s the way it’s “always been”. 
As “Who” they are. “What” they are worth.

Which isn’t True. It’s not “always been” this particular way of living and seeing the World. 
We could say it’s actually a relatively new way of Being/Seeing/Perceiving, while also Ancient as “Civilization” has made many a mark throughout the World, and throughout our Collective past. 
We could say the many Sages were also trying to teach us how to avoid it’s traps and pitfalls.

Today, Millions of Individual Selves are moving towards following these “Alternative” Spiritual paths. 
And, when One embarks upon these paths, it is wise to regard the potential distortions that exist, and to be critical with the interpretations as well as One’s own tendency to adopt beliefs without investigating for One’s Own Self what resonates within as “True”.

It is easy to get caught up in Distorted versions of “Truth”, of which there are many.

The MOST ESSENTIAL TRUTH is that we are not a “Who”, we are WHAT We Truly Are.
A Natural Person.

Consider that if I believe that I already AM an aspect of the Complete, Total, and Whole Creation, which I have been born into to play a role and a part, in the the Co-Operative and Co-Creative Nature of Life sustaining “it”Self;

I Am an Agent of that Continuation. 

And that WE, when we truly know that we already ARE that;
become Liberated from the concerns of the Salvation or Liberation from the “Lower” Self aspects, or the identifications with the “Ego” Self creation.

When an Ego that is not identified that this creation of “Me/MYSelf”(which is a Constructed Projection) is the Whole Truth of the Self that “I AM”; 
it is Liberated to freely exchange without the Great Resistance caused by “Greater Than/Lesser Than” Mentality, and the Self-Imposed Definitions of the Person-ality. 

The Ego has it’s place in the Total Awareness and experience that is the Whole Self and must be integrated as as much of an aspect of our Truth as any, and all other aspects, ARE; for True Integration and Oneness to be acheived. 
Rather than rejecting or “overcoming” the identified Ego Self, or favoring the percieved triumph over the Self-Imposed “Hell” it creates, we can work to recognize the Avatar Self as the Self-Aware, Self-Realized and Self-Directive component of the Being, playing out Life’s Greater command; 
to Self-Generate/Re-Generate and Co-Create/Pro-Create.

Life gives us the Impulse, and WE, as an Independant unit or cell or fractal of the Whole, recieve and trasmit that Impulse according to our Unique and Specialized Design. It is our Own Creative Individualized Impulse, which adds to the Flair and the Eros and the Music of Life;
and we effect the way it all unfolds. 

We are agents of regeneration and are playing our own small or large part in the Co-Creation, as an Animating Principle or Aspect of the Greater Unfolding Symphony of the Whole. 
We have a part to play in all our manifestation just as we are; because we Exist.

Recognizing One’s Self as an already complete principle of Animation in the Symphony of Life’s Continuation, exalts the Power of our Self-Aware Nature to New Levels and Dimensions of Being;
Deeper, More Expansive, Clarified, and in Whole~ness.

To be Truly Self-Aware, according to our True and Natural Design, the evaluation and assessment of One’s Constructed Self-Definition is essential; and Imperative.

There needs to be 2 Balance Parts or Complementary Components present in Creation for any form of inter-action to occur, at any level of Life Process;
for any meaningful anything to manifest and take form. 
The simplest metaphor we can use to visualize and fully integrate this awareness is to look at what we know about how a Tree uptakes Carbon Monoxide that we exhale as waste, and it exhausts Oxygen that it wastes, which we require in order to live. 
We are in an Inter-Relationship of Co-Sustaining One=Another’s Life Processes.

It is Nature’s Intelligence that ensures nothing is wasted, and that every thing is becoming fully integrated in Cooperative Co-Sustainability… for the principle of Life to continue.

Most of us, rather unconsciously and under pressure to conform to Societal and Cultural constructed standards, are a mess of un-evaluated and un-investigated beliefs and programming related to the stories of our upbringing, families, lineages, cultures, country, the way the World “is and the accepted views, etc; compounded by our own experiences which reinforce these storylines. 

It serves the group mind to amass greater numbers and it is common from many ways and places all over to minimize the importance of the Individual in these regards; 
in favor of the Group. 
With an idea of “safety, strength, security, and/or power”, in numbers. 

It is common to shame or shun the one that feels they are more or less “important, significant, and deserving of greater recognition”; or forbid the one that doesn’t agree or wants justice! They are a threat to the group to have a “one” that is “greater than” any other; or “different”. 
It is also common to see an epidemic of individuals who are feeling unvalued, unimportant, insignificant, and purposeless to the Whole; or Less Than, in some capacity or another. 

The “developed” Nations are seeing a dramatic rise in Depressive Disorders and other Psychological “Illnesses” as well as increased domestic crime and Environmental degradation and disasters. Globally, we see a rise in conflicts, and the disparities of the “poor” and impoverished, under-privileged classes of the population increases and grows.

What does it show us to look upon another Human Being’s own suffering to their Person-ality, knowing that the Principle of Life is seeking NOT to continue; as in Suicide? 
The Person-ality has overpowered the Prime Directive of the Natural Person’s instinct to Self-Protect and Continue.
This is a Deviation in the Natural Human Program, which I feel deserves some critical observation, investigation, and assessment. 

The Planet is nearly in Crisis with both Environmental and Social Conflicts running in over-drive. 
What can we do to stop this madness?

Our Modern System and Worldview projects that it is the “One” Person that is “deviated” from the “normal” program, and it seeks to make external corrections to the Physical hardware and software of the Person-ality and Person, through Behavior Modification, Medication, Intervention and Total Domination Control. 
It’s not so many that stop to think that it may be the “normal” program which is the “virus”. Or, Parasite.
It has been observed and shown that a Parasite has the ability to effect the thinking, moods, appetites and behaviors of the host, obviously hijaking the pathways of the host to do it’s bidding and fulfill its Own Needs. 

If we were under the influence of a Dominating programming and virus or Parasite-type control mechanism; how would we “know”?
It would take an outside reflection in order for it to be seen as that part that is not the “Natural Person”, or part of a Balanced Personality; it would need to be seen and revealed by an Other. 
But if it’s in us too we might not see it, or, see it as an aspect of “them”; and not “like me”. 
We may interpret it as an aspect of the Other’s “Person-ality” that we mis-identify as “who they are”, and can easily mis-identify “who I am” as a result. 

It’s so easy for us to move in that way, and follow that path of “othering”.
We “other” one another, and we “other” our Own Self within.

Because Individually, we choose to accept and participate in the Man-made construction of a Civilized, Ordered “Reality” or story of our existence; it continues. 

In the Toltec tradition it is taught that as a Self-Aware aspect of Creation, what we give our attention and energy to, is what we create in Reality.

Many think of this as the Law of Attraction. They are similar, yet seperate principles. 

What the Toltec way teaches, is that whatever hooks our awareness in our foundational upbringing, where we learn all our essential survival skills; is called the 1st Attention. This is typical of our veiw of the World and our Own Self within it, based on the belief systems of our family, culture, societal perspective, outlooks, world-view’s, and the things we are taught. 
This is naturally going to determine our view and Personal Dream of our Life and our existence; initially.

If we are not Awakened to this or choose to remain in this Perception State and outlook despite having seen it’s falsity; we will continue on a path of mindless perpetuation. Like a corrupted file on repeat. 
Seeing more of the “same”. Believing more of the “same’. Creating more of the “same”. And getting more of the “same”. 
Change is the only true constant in all of Creation. No thing stays in a state of “sameness”.

Without Sef-Assessment, One is not fully Self-Aware, and thus without the full capacity to Self-Direct One’s Creation Impulse meaningfully; in alignment with the Whole Creation and it’s Principles. 

If one has the opportunity, whether by Life’s urging or by apprenticeship, to recognize that what was taught and what was believed and what was agreed no longer holds resonance as “True” anymore, then one has freed themselves to the 2nd Attention; that place of Real*izing the Truth of “I” Create “this”. 
And, can now Mindfully Choose. And, can now clarify and create Purely and in Resonant Harmonic Alignment with the Truth of our Own Nature; and the Truth of Nature and of All Creation. 
Harmony, Coherence; Whole Octave.

We collectively choose to agree that this structure and order we have designed and continuously reinforce is out of our power to change, and out of our power to choose otherwise.
And physically, by the Power Invested By Us, in our Collective Individual agreements, it has become realistically so. As one cannot be born, live, or die, without having to pay. 
The value of Life, is depreciated. 

We are enslaved in a model and system of belief which keeps us bound and starving and running and consuming, and destroying at Great Speed; while all of Earth’s other Creatures simply exist. 
If we Humans allow them to.

Because we also cannot seem to agree that it is so, that we also can be free and exist peacefully with one another;
So It Is. 

Wherever that idea or concept was first born, the torn and tattered state of our root systems make it utterly impossible to know; but it has been continued forward by each and every One Individual that chose to invest their own agreement that it is “so”.
Gathering in numbers, gathering in “might”. Gathered in “right”, “wrong”, “mine”, “yours”, “theirs”, “ours”, and further separations. Distortions. Divisions. Deceptions. And the ensuing destruction. 

We have been deceiving One Another and ourselves in this way. By not being Authentically and Truly Ourselves. Our True Selves. Not the constructed version of “me” and who I am/who I think I am = I AM.
We are all coming from these constructed versions of ourselves and the “truth” of “who” I have believed My Self to be.

I feel I am not, and have never been a “who”. I feel I have always been a “what”. 
I am not “who” I am. I am “what” I AM. 
And what I Truly Am, is a Human Being that simply exists to be. And just wants to be, What I Be. 
And what I “be”, is exactly what feels most True, most Resonant, most Authentic, and most In Alignment for My Own Self, in every action and impulse; in each now moment.

Which is not “permission” to be Impulsive and have no responsibility or accountability for My Self, or to Others. On the contrary, it commands my response*ability to uphold authenticity in My Own Self, One Another, and Each Moment; to be in the Greatest Truth. 

Because each One that joins a fight increases the fight, each one that becomes Self-Aware, Self-Directed, Self-Generating, and Self-Realized; can increase overall Self-Awareness.
And with True, Clear Self-Awareness, One cannot simply make agreements with any programs of deviation, deception, or destruction towards Oneself, Another, or Life (including Nature and the Environment).
How would it benefit the one that is Self-Aware to do so?

Can one that is Self-Aware feel dis-empowered by another? 
Be persuaded to cause or bring offense or harm to another? 
Steal, lie, cheat, abuse, or otherwise Dominate another?
Be destructive to the environment?
Or, does the Truly Self-Aware seek Harmony, Love, Peace, and Mutual Benefit; always?

The one that is Self-Aware will not be inclined or bound to agree with other’s or their Own definitions of them/selves, and when All are Self-Aware the need for definitions reduces; as ALL is in Balanced Relationship.

The Animal instinct is to protect, provide, and to play; not to fight. It is the Injured Self-Awareness which see’s “It’s” Self as not the same, not “like the other”, not invested in the “other’s” wellbeing, only out for “My” Survival;
Which lashes out in defensive Self-Protection.

Some of us go in and out of wanting to be out for Oneself, and then also yearn for the cooperation and collaboration and belonging of Community; and find ourselves returning to seek for Another Reflection, or, Counter-Point of Reflection and Co-Creation. 
Yet the constructions that we live with and that define our existence, and that we reinforce in our way of being with One Another; limits our capacity to be at peace with Each Other, as we are at war within. 

We don’t have honest, working models of Balance, True Community, or Authentic Relationships and Reflections to work from and with; and we Repeat the Patterns and Programs with and upon One Another without our Conscious Awareness.
How could we know?

We must reconcile, and reconstruct. In order to do this, we must first de-construct.

It is challenging to see for the uninitiated and oppressed, how we are Powerful beyond Measure. 
We have the power to make resolutions to Be True to our Selves. To our True Nature and State of Being.

We are born a Natural Person. That is our “Person”. 
We have our Natural Person and our Person-ality which has taken form as a result of One’s conditioning, and the Environmental Stressors we are exposed to, which test and shape us into the “Who” we become in context to the outer World.

When we are children we are authentic, and we cannot be any other way. 
Then we are molded, and it is in the unmolding of ourselves, chipping away at the hardened and weathered façade of the “Person” (Person-ality) we thought the World wants us to be, or what we think “they” think we “should/n’t” be; 
and find what is True. 
What is Truly and Authentically, Our Own Self. 

It takes discomfort. Being willing to look at and face the uncomfortable and inconvenient truths about what we inherrantly know and feel within; that this is not what we truly designed for, and never “who” we even were. 
It takes admitting that we are capable of far greater, more expansive and Whole-istic Creation and Manifestation than we are currently experiencing. 
And it’s not ony a matter of making up One’s Mind or tuning into one’s intuition that allows us to manifest mindfully all that we are Creating in every moment;
we must mind our agreements, conscious and unconscious, and mind our Minds.

Just like the food we eat becomes our bodies, the information we “take in” through our Eyes, our Ears, and digest through our Minds; becomes the building blocks of what and how we choose to become, and are what we create our “reality” with. 
The teachings and the Sages throughout all time are accurate in saying we must cleanse our pathways of Perception, because the Mind is a fragile phenomenon of Nature, which is highly susceptible to suggestion. And deviation.

What these teachings and practices have still failed to accomplish here on Earth, is widespread Awakening and Enlightenment leading to True Peace, Wellbeing, and Thriving for Humanity and Earthkind; Collectively. 
The centers of Spirituality are also rife with bigotry, conflict, and disintegrated communities. 
The Tibetans are refugees from their own Holy Land, which has been Occupied by an Oppressor.
And, Millions live in poverty in India where the pollution of the Land is immense, in a Caste System which is reinforced by the teachings of Karma. 

It has been my Own Awareness and Revelation of these things present in our Human Story, this general storyline of needing to “get out”, to “go beyond”, out of fear of continued suffering and “lostness”, and justification that if other’s “suffer” it is their own fault and responsibility; is not helping us Collectively or Individually. 
And in fact, could be observed and perceived to be highly destructive and destabilizing to the Psyche and One’s Sense of their Own Self; in relationship to the “Other”. 

If we could see the Individuated Independant Self as Autonomous, Soveriegn, and Inherrantly Whole; how could this change things for us? Among us? For the Collective?
There would be no more need to “prove” ourselves, no need to “compete”, no “greater”, or “lessor”; richer or poorer… 
Because we would all Individually and Collectively be exactly as we were born to be. 
That which the Ruling “Systems” seek to suppress.

We may not be able to free ourselves completely in this Lifetime as we are so deeply embedded in the constructions; but we can begin to free our Own Selves and One Another, for the Future Generations to grow from.

We have to start, and we start with our Own Self, beginning to reflect and assess the “who’s and what’s” of our own Self-Creation and where all those ideas and beliefs come from. Seeing what these beliefs have created in our lives. What their results have been. Take accountability and be responsible. 

We must take stock. Take the time. Assess. Be willing to re-assess, over and over; again and again.
Be willing to Honor our Sacred Disagreements with all that does not align with or feel resonant for us, and move towards what Does, and what is; 
Authentic Truth.

“Only the Truth survives our Skepticism.” -Don Miguel Ruiz

When we can be honest with ourselves about the Truth of what we feel within, and what is “true” for us, in our experiences and in each moment; we will find all our disagreements will rise to the surface. 
We can see them as all the ways we are not in alignment with our authentic Truth. 

If we can drop the judgements of Ourself for our disagreements, or being out of alignment with our Truth or our True Nature; we will find that No One is at fault for it has all been in a lack of Self-Awareness.

As a Whole-ly Integrated Self, we can say there is that “outer” Self, which is that Avatar aspect which interacts within the World (constructed and Natural), and there is an “inner” Self, which is the Uniquely Personal Dream-Space within that is the True Source of the Creation of all that we ARE in our Body-Mind Network; 
which we experience and “know” as Our Own Self, or our “known” boundaries.

When they are Harmonious Aspects of our Being, Within and Without, constituting our Full Awareness and Experience of Our Unique Creative Being;
we can be in balance and fully in our Whole Self. 

When my own Person-ality, Natural Person and Self-Awareness can come to be in Harmonious Balance, instead of at war and in conflict; then we are Free to be our Whole and Natural Self again.

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The task of integrating the Interior and the Exterior to Inter-Relate, Inter-Act, and Co-Operate, is the work before us in determining and assessing what is Authentic, True, and Natural to us.

And, to Dis-Identify with the Constructed and Un-Natural identifications which do not serve the Whole-ness of Our Own Selves, our External Wholeness, or serve to reinforce any level of dis-integratation of any aspect of our Self or our Being, or the Being of Another; 
in Mind, Body, and Spirit.

May We Be Our Selves. Our True and Authentic, Natural Selves. In*Bodied in our Natural Being, in the Truth of What We Are.

The TRUTH, is Wisdom which brings Peace into the Heart, in the *NOW*.

– Madonna Deva

If there is not Peace in the Heart when encountering a so-called “Truth” of Fact or other information from another, or our own Self-beliefs;
it may not hold Authentic Wisdom.

Authentic Truth is Wisdom in the Heart, Wisdom which brings *Peace*,
and in this *NoW* Moment;
because *now* is All There Truly Is.

It is a challenging work to move through uncovering the Truth of What We Are underneath all the many Layers of Who and What We Are “Not”.

We are here to support you in this process of Re*Integrating your Self.

Go to ‘Sacred Path’ page to find out more about how we are in Service to you, and ‘Healing Hearts’ page to discover more about our offerings to you through our Lineage of Healing Hearts Ministry***

Realize you are not alone in this. We are all in this together. 
Thank you for doing your work, and for YOUR Courage and Bravery.
We are Re*Member*ing the Sacred Self WHOLE again.

Blessed Be

I Love You Dearly, Kindred Ones ❤

In’Lakech Ala’kin

I Am Another Yourself and We Are One Family


