In Light of & In*Lightening Global Pandemic Fears…

  • Our Lungs are one of our Body’s Primary Organs of Elimination for Toxic Gasses, fluids and materials from the Blood, Internal Organs, Tissues and Lymphatic Fluids of the Body. What doesn’t pass through the Digestion for Elimination or is absorbed and requires a later stage or step of Elimination, passes through various organs and is processed through the Lymphatic System, and then the Lungs.
    Congestion in the Lungs and Respiratory System is a way of capturing particulate matter and materials for better elimination through coughing and spitting out sputum, just as Nose Boogers and Eye Boogers also do.
    This material is not limited to external or environmental particulate, but waste material from other Systems and processes in the Body.

  • Respiratory Congestion is not always an indicator of an infection, however is also a common indicator of internal infectious processes at play. Yellow and Green Sputum indicates that a process of infection has occurred, however, not necessarily always still active… but rather that it is actively in the process of eliminating the waste material of the infectious agents that have been captured and are being processed and moved out.

  • Sometimes supporting the Body to increase Mucous is helpful to this process, particularly for irritated tissues like sore throats, Lungs, inflamed Digestive System or internal organs. Sometimes, we may need to support the mucous to thin out for easier passage and expectoration (getting it up for spitting it out.)
    There are many time-honored Herbs which support each of these processes and achieve these goals, most noteworthy being Licorice Root, Fennugreek, Mullien, Yarrow and Horehound.
    Do your own research for best application in your particular situation and needs***

  • The most Vital Wisdom in regards to Lung and Respiratory Congestion is that the Body is supported to EXPECTORATE this material from out of the Lungs and the Body, as the Body is demanding and exacting. Pnuemonia is the Clinical Definition of Excess Fluid in the Lungs causing one to essentially and literally drown in their own Fluids, as no Oxygen Molecules can any longer bind to the interior surfaces of the Lung Tissue and Villi. There are multiple reasons and causes for Congestion in the Lungs leading to Pnuemonia which are not all due to Viral or Bacterial Antigens, as it is a Symptomatic Complication as a Result of; although Bacterial and Viral Agents can simultaneously create Pnuemonia as part of it’s path and course.

  • In order to effectively support the moving out of the Congested Fluids:

    -Drink Ample Water, other Fluids/Broths/Juices and Stay Well Hydrated so as to offer the Body generous fluid intake and volume with which to both manage bodily and system functions well, as well as thin mucous and flush out the materials which need to be wasted and supported to more efficiently be eliminated through all avenues and pathways of the Body; as well as ensure adequate fluid for the buildup, transmission and transfusion of new cellular materials and beneficial nutrients for tissue and cell repair.
    Both Blood Plasma and Lymph, as well as Cerebro-Spinal Fluid, require clean water and proper mineralization in order to be maximally flowing and conductive.

    - Stimulate the Circulation and the Lymph through warmth and warming compounds and principles also well outlined in ‘BE AWARE OF: FEVERS’ and ‘NATURAL IMMUNITY’, that support and assist greater fluid movement, flushing and cultivate a beneficial process of Inflammation to facilitate these Natural Detoxification, Purification, Elimination and Restoration Processes.

    Natural Human Beings and Design can, and still survive***

    - Assist elimination through Warm Salt Baths, Steaming, and Sweating and with time-honored Herbal Traditions to support the movement of Congestion Out of the Body (All Systems, Processes, and Pathways).

  • Some Traditional methods to assist with the clearing of congestion in the Body:

    - 1/2 to 1 tsp of Baking Soda in 8 oz of water is alkalizing to the Body, and greatly assists with breaking up and drying out congestion and the acidic state of the Body which may be contributing to internal inflammation, irritation, as well as encourage elimination.
    Drink first thing in the morning and last thing at night on an otherwise empty stomach to avoid volcanos, and do your own research as to the impacts this may have on your blood pressure and/or on any medications you may be taking***

    - Apple Cider Vinegar is another internal Alkalizer, despite being an Acid. Lemons and Citrus also offer this Alchemical benefit, which is supporting an internal environment which is not supportive or friendly to microbes (which thrive in highly acid environments more), and can be used to make tonics and elixirs for strengthening and detoxifying the body inside, and outside when soaked in a bath.
    ACV is very beneficial for the skin, neutralizing, and supports detoxification and sanitization of the pores and tissues.
    Salt Draws water/fluids through and out of the tissues in a bath as well as kills any bacteria. Add them both to a detoxification bath using Sea Salt, Magnesium Salt, and/or Baking Soda.

    - A Traditional Ayurvedic Cleansing Tea formula, most commonly used and drank in conjunction with Panchakarma cleansing protocols, includes equal proportions of Cumin, Coriander, Fennugreek and Fennel which assist with clearing of mucous from the Whole Body, and support improved elimination.
    More about Ayurvedic approaches, methods, and recipes can be found in the wonderful and well-crafted book, ‘Eat, Taste, Heal’ by .
    Many traditions have tended to the need for Lung Support and Clearing for countless generations long before modern Pharmacuetical and Interventionist Medicine was formed and asserted as the Best Way. Look into them all and tune in to what most supports your Truth and Needs and Works for You*

    - Packing grated White Onion on the Soles of Feet and also on the Chest Area/Lungs have been successfully applied in cases of extreme congestion and breathing difficulty, to break into the lung tissue and/or through the Lymph to catalyze a rapid breakup and assistance with treating the extreme Congestion.

    - Similarly, rubbing Alcohol or Spirit on the soles and spine of an Individual with a Sustained High Fever can rapidly dissipate heat from the Body in extreme cases requiring intervention for the Individual which may risk Brain Damage or other Tissue Failure; adding such extreme heat to the Tissues can “spot inflame” for really direct treatment.

    - Cayenne Pepper has the power to stop a Heart Attack, and can also assist with neccessary increase of Circulation, Heat and Vitamin C for tissue strength and repair processes as well in cases such as these which may be acute and in need of a “kick”.

    The Lungs represent the principle of our ability to take in and process all that we are receiving from Life, as well as to release, let go and offer all that we are in our Truth, back into the Great Creation; all in the Realms of Spirit. Our Breath is literally our connection to Life and required for Life to continue. If we do not breathe, we Die. Breath is Life moving through us, Spirit Animating Us.
    It is absolutely related that how we are receiving, processing and allowing Spirit to move through us and Move US (or not move through us or move us), and Life to Live Us (or resist Life’s directives and direction for us); is and will be reflected to us in our ability and capacity for Breathing in the Physical Body, and any conditions or issues that may arise with and in the Lungs.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine regards the Lungs as being the place and organ of processing Grief, and that congestion in the Lungs is reflective and indicative of Toxic, Held, and Un-expressed Grief within the Body-Mind and Being. That Grief is being processed and released, or drowning us.
    These are power-full and essential reflections, meditations and contemplations to ask one’s Self within about the Truth underlying the Reality that appears on the surface, and how Grief plays in to the formula for you and/or your Loved Ones, and perspective on others around the World; as well as the underlying theme of this Viral Pandemic and Crisis Globally we have been experiencing with this SARS-19 outbreak and the phenomenon known as “COVID-19”.

  • Pnuemonia would be symbolic for how we may wallow in our own unprocessed and unexpressed Grief and Sadness, in the “swamps of despair” as told in the Myth of ‘The Never-Ending Story’. If you let it get you, it’ll suck you in and take you.
    Deeply Symbolic for what the Global Virus Pandemic represents to and for us, and is; Metaphorically, Literally and Practically.

  • Our Collective Grief and Frustration and Sadness that is un-reconciled in the Heart causes many to look outside themselves for the blame, the responsibility, the “reason”, the “cause/source” of our pain, wounding/woundedness, powerlessness, fear, lack and poverty, as well as to find “validation, acceptance, belonging, success, power, and meaning” for ourselves and our lives; rather than taking personal stock and accountability for what we need to do, can do, and will do with our feelings and our Truths.

  • The Truth must be Spoken, and the Truth will ALL~Ways prevail***
    Feel, Allow, and Express your Truth AS IT IS and do the work to reconcile and integrate the unresolved mysteries and histories of our Lives, Selves, Families, Ancestors, and World.

  • Allow Spirit to Flow, to Move, and to Move You***

    ~ Blessings of Realization to and that our Joy and Pain, Are ONE ~
