• A Persons perception of themselves in relationship to Other People and the World, and the resulting beliefs and definitions of that constructed Self-Identity, is what Carl Jung defined as the Small Self, the Little Self, and what constitutes our Psyche; our View/understanding of our Self and the World, a Creation we create both Consciously and Unconsciously.

  • When a Person becomes tortured, outwardly or inwardly, by their own perceptions of themselves, experiences, Others, and/or the World; then the result is a Person who becomes Mentally Disturbed, by the very definition. This manifests into constant worry and judgement thinking patterns, etc., which lead to reduced capacities in terms of function, communication, and relate-ability in both personal and inter-personal relationships.

  • Everyone in the Developed Societies suffer from Mental Disturbance at the least, and severe Psychological Illness, at the greatest, when these inner disturbances and turmoil’s remain unaddressed and unresolved, and constantly, even excessively, engaged;
    due to the conditions under which we live and to the degree of Mental and Psychological Conditioning, Distortion, Trauma and Corruption we have encountered and experienced while dwelling in these Systems both in our early development, as well as throughout our life.

  • The members of Social Systems (like Educational Systems and Medical Systems) are categorized according to their degree of perceived adherence to, or “deviation” from, the ranges of “Normal” (behavior, size, shape, intelligence, etc.), accepted for each culture and/or Society that they are part of.
    In the Fields of Psychology, these definitions are determined by a Panel and based upon a consensus of opinion and agreement, with views which may be biased towards particular outcomes, like those which favor Corporate and Nationalist Social Programs.

The “Model” Baseline “Average” for “Normal/Homeostatic/Perfect” in a Human Being in any category of Science, Biological or Behavioral, to which all other are measured against and organized/assigned/classified/characterized, accordingly; DOES NOT EVEN EXIST.
We Embody a Wide Range of Variation, and no two bodies are alike.
There are many colors in the rainbow and a LOT of area and variation in-between Black & White or what appears at the ends of Either Extreme as Diversity is the TRUE Principle of Nature and Creation where we see that NO TWO SNOWFLAKES ARE ALIKE;
as surely there are no 2 Star Systems in all of the Galaxy and Universe which are exactly the “same”, either.

  • Supposed (avg.) cases of “Chemical Imbalance” in Psychology are never accompanied by verifiable proof that has been capable of showing via any form of Scientific Test that in fact Brain Chemistry is imbalanced, and that intervention and forced medication is required to balance out a Biological Function or Process.

  • With more Holistic Medical Models like Integrative and Functional Medicine Philosophies looking at the Entire System as a Whole Story and Whole Being, it has been shown and proven that the majority of these Neurotransmitters are actually being produced not in the Brain, but in the Gut Microbiome; factors which are addressed primarily, in order to support the System to come back to Health, Balance, Equilibrium, and correct the underlying imbalance, not attempt to cover it up or replace something with the chemical alternative.

  • Holding, Rubbing, and Pressing on the Sternum or Breastbone over the Heart, will release Oxytocin, the Natural Love Hormone. Just as Hugs, and Loving Touch. These are needed more than Drugs. Synthetic Drugs, have corrupted the concept, idea, and word “Medicine”, just as Religions and Societal Standards have corrupted the meaning of Love, and Spirit.

  • All Synthetic, Lab-Extracted and Isolated Compounds in Pharmaceutical Drugs were first derived from a Natural Plant or Mineral Substance and compound which can be USED IN A WHOLE FORM to support the Body~Mind and Being; rather than taken in a way Nature Never Intended NOR is able to efficiently and effectively process in this isolated and incomplete form.
    Compounds that have been isolated are patentable and now marketable and re-sale-able, and are all intended for generating profits; while Natural Herbs in their Natural Whole Form cannot be patented (in their Natural Form given by the Earth), and as such are discounted and discredited as not being viable and reliable and effective with the right to be called “Medicine”, and Herbalists, “Doctors”.
    This is an OLD War.

  • Today’s Mainstream Doctors learn more about Drugs and how to sell and push Drugs, then actually learn how to support, prevent, and assist with minimal interventions and maximum beneficial outcomes and results. They are trained for an Industry of Sickness-Management, NOT Well-Being.

  • The Brain is a mainframe database for computing all the signals and messages going in and out of every other Tissue in the Body through the Webs of the Nervous System Wires. The sensorial feedback and response impulses, as well as the memory that is built in the Fibers, System and Database from repetition, is what Forms and Shapes Us. Body AND Brain.
    There is not a SINGLE SQUARE MILLIMETER of our BODY, which is NOT OUR BRAIN.
    The Body and the Brain, are INSEPERABLE. One is Not Greater and more Superior and in fact they reflect one another’s development whether well-exercised or under-used.

  • ”Mind” as a Phenomena, arises as a result of this Network of Awareness, Memory and Intelligence. You cannot address the “Mind” by looking at only the Brain, and deny and/or disregard what the Body is saying/experiencing/needing. The MIND is not in the Brain, any more or less than the Body, and includes our interpretations of and our experiences of Emotions, Dreams, and Spirit. MIND, is PSYCHE, and that cannot be isolated and pinned down and pointed at and stared in the Eye or made to “behave”. It is Ethereal.

  • Human Beings experience a Broad Range of Emotions which are not Black and White, Good or Bad, Okay or not okay.. and our perception that some emotions are acceptable and allowed and others unacceptable and un-allowed causes a great deal of unnecessary grief, misunderstanding, and years (and many thousands of dollars) of therapy, reconciliation, and healing work long into Life.
    Emotions are signals from our Body and are the expressions of our very own Creative Energy and are meant to move and motivate us towards or away from stimuli and situations that are beneficial or un-beneficial and are meant to be moved through us, rather than be controlled or allowed to control us or others.

Touch is as Vital and Essential as food, water, and shelter is, maybe even more so, as many studies well regarded for decades, even 100 years have shown, that orphaned infants, despite being kept dry and warm and given food, if not held, fail to Thrive. Failure to Thrive could be applied to developed and grown Adults as well, even though we choose not to look at it this way.
Isolation and Social Distancing protocols and fears have and will continue to result in an increase in phobia and dis/mistrust among and between people, and it has created a situation where many have become starving for a most essential Nutrient and requirement for Health and a Healthy Psyche, and that is Touch, Contact, and Intimacy.
This will have long-lasting repercussions and traumatic impacts for people to process and work through for many years to come.

  • A fear of potentially coming into contact with microbes and pathogens have and will continue to instill in people an irrational phobia of Nature, Germs, etc., and other People who may be carriers and transferrers, and see every cough and sniffle that comes with each new cold or flu season as a potential Pandemic waiting to happen; and this will take many years to process and work through and unravel for many, if it can ever be overcome.

  • Healthy Individuals contract and fight between 3-5 “colds/viruses” a year and this is considered typical and natural and expected and not something to fear; rather, this is why we have an Immune System and this shows the Immune System is working and being exercised and this is important for a Life-Long Virility and ability to fight infections into an Elder Age without suppression or compromisation.

  • Living in Fear of Death robs us of our Ability to Live our Life in the moment, now, today.

  • In an African Civil War Zone, many Western Psychologists were sent to offer their service to those recovering from Trauma, and after a short time with the Villagers, most were sent back home. They said that in their culture, when one is in suffering, we do not isolate them from the community in a dark room to focus on the problems and the terrible feelings, and expect that to help. We do the opposite, and we come together around a fire to sing, dance, and be in Ceremony, that we may cultivate Gratitude for Life within and despite changing circumstances and challenges that we may face; all which come and go.

  • Our perception of Our Self and The World, determines how we interpret all information coming in, and how all information going out will be “filtered”. What we see and feel becomes what we believe and our biography becomes our Biology, and all of this determines what we create and are capable of creating of our Life.
    We must become consciousness investigators of our Perceptions and how it is we are choosing to view, perceive, see, and interpret things; recognizing we all perceive things a little differently and in our own ways, according to our own understanding.

Psychological Define-ments and Labels can become Self-Limiting Beliefs which can negatively impact a person’s Self-Perception, Emotional and Mental Health, ability to communicate and form/keep relationships and/or access and exercise ones Personal Power, which has been given up and surrendered to this idea about what is “True” and “real”; as if that could even capable of being offered from another external source outside of us that pretends to have our best interests at Heart.

  • On the Island of Centarians in Greece where a large part of the population is over 100, it is not a diet or some other fanciful ingredient to a long life, or the primary reason so many live so long in this place, although there are factors here which have helped; more that each had formed long-time close relationship bonds which had sustained and continued to sustain. That the sense of belonging and personal meaning and value in a community, offered greater health benefits than nearly any other single element to their Virility and overall quality of Life. Love.
    Studies on Addiction have showed many times over in many ways, that a substance becomes far less desirable or necessary or needed when a person receives adequate loving support and stimulation, others to interact with, something to serve, a place to be received and appreciated, and a place to belong.

  • Kundalini Yoga Guru Yogi Bhajan teaches that everyone in the Consumer Societies is an Addict. The nature of the way of existing and seeing the World and the function of our lives is to consume.. acquire, possess, consume, even hoard, and just as easily dispose.
    And anything can be the “substance” of the addiction expressing itself like being addicted to material possessions, shopping, eating, gambling, sex, porn, image/weight, sugar, coffee, tv shows, political parties, sports teams, religions, philosophies.. it doesn’t matter. We are addicted to our Identifications and what we identify as defining our Self and our Personal Value in the World’s terms of value.
    We can take away the “substance”, however, nothing changes if the underlying imbalances are not actually addressed, it is never complete and truly overcome; remaining a limitation and potential fall-back at later dates and times.

  • Issues related to non-belonging and non-integration, separation and segregation, as well as isolation, will affect many and our Societal Structure at it’s core, and no thing can be counted on to be “as it was before” after this or ever again, as the impacts and effects of it really start to show and be expressed amongst and between us.

  • The way to survive and to thrive is to discover the paths to our own Authentic Truth Within, our own inner Gnosis of what is NOT working, NOT acceptable or tolerable anymore, what we are NOT going to put up with or take any more, and of what we Will NOT accept/support/allow any longer; what is out of Alignment and No Longer Resonant.
    Honoring what we really, truly feel about it all, deep-down, into the core of it “all”, that we may find what is most beneficial for us and offers us genuine wellbeing.

  • The Illusory Man-Made Idea Version of ‘the Life we are Living’ is not the only way and certainly not the Natural Way to be and exist on the Planet in Harmonious Balance with ourselves, our Creation, and the other Creations of the Great Creation. There are other pathways and solutions we can explore and that we can experience, and have the Freedom, Sovereignty and Autonomy to find them, explore them, and choose for our own Selves what feels most sustaining, supportive, wholistic, and true.

  • The Human Nature is Curiosity and the Human Mind is highly susceptible to both suggestion, and deviation. In the beginning, we copy. Learn by watching and then doing. Repeating.
    Our World and the Matrix of our Social and Consumer Culture Structure is such that the amount of distraction and effort made to get us to look, get our attention, draw us in, “buy it”, and otherwise simply draw or pull us away from our own orientation point and place and inner reflection and inner Truths, is great; with potential for thwarting the energy we need to cultivate, generate and reap our dream seeds and visions for our Selves and our Life.
    We must be alert, mind what we give our attention to and that we allow to hook and distract us from our presence to ourselves, to what we know and feel to be truly resonant and authentic for us.
    Mind our Mind.

  • No One else has our “answers”.
    No thing Owns Me, and I Own No Thing; no THING I can take with me when I die.

  • We can listen to the Stories of Others, and even our Own Stories, without having to agree with them. They may not really even be “true”. Only even Ideas, perhaps, in some ways. We don’t have to invest in them and make them “ours”, “us”, “Me” and “my” Truth, or the “Truth” for any other; especially when what they say or mean goes against our own Truth, or go against another, or our own Self, Nature.. or Life.
    Don’t invest in believing Lies. Only through our inner voice of Integrity, can we find the Truth.

  • The idea of a “Mistake” that cannot be “fixed” is a Fatal Thing.
    IN Nature, there are no such thing as “mistakes”.. only Errors, and Errors teach us. And, Errors can be Corrected, in the very least when we learn from them and we allow them to offer us Wisdom.
    Learn and Grow. Learn “better”, DO “better”. Learn, and Grow***
    Allow others to do the same, be accountable to themselves, their stories, actions and consequences.

There is no such thing as “Growing Up” in Nature. This is one of the Societal System’s Mind “Traps” and Tricks. We Mature, Age, and Grow Wiser, however, we are always the Same Natural Person were were when we were Born and as a Child;
moving through the Stages of our development and growth, gathering experiences, and then transitioning, shedding this robe for another fresh one.
We Are Always and Ever an Eternal Magical Child.

  • Self-Fulfilling is THE Prophecy. We are the Creators, for Real.
    You Don’t Have to Buy It. Don’t Have to Believe It. Don’t Have to Agree.

  • You are a Miracle. Laugh at anything that seems to want to, or try, to dull your Shine.
    Especially in how we are towards our own Selves. <3 <3 <3
    Keep it *Real* Real, Real.
    Fully REAL~ized.

  • You Are Beauty*FULL
    I Love You
    Take Gentle Care ~

In Lak’ech ~ I Am Another Yourself
Humee Hum Tumee Tum Wahe Guru ~
Recognize the Other Person is *You*{2}


