• In the United States the population has long followed the Standardized Guidelines and Programs of the Nation, through the USDA, which is completely imbedded with Subsidized Agricultural Crop Production and Programs which utilize them. All of these are designed for and to operate and sustain Food/Lunch Programs for schools and other Institutions at the State and Federal Level.

  • Subsidized Crops mean Monocultured Farms where massive swaths are dedicated purely to one type of crop, whatever the Government/Nation has determined as “essential”, and so puts money or huge reductions and incentives to those operations that produce the desired crops with the greatest financial “security” and/or returns/profits for and to the Systems which serve to benefit.

  • The Standard American Diet as set out by the Guidelines of the USDA is not-so-lovingly referred to as the ‘S.A.D.’ Diet by Natural Health and Nutrition Advocates.
    These guidelines are determined to be essential for “Health”, or, “best supposed health outcomes”, or at least energy sustainability… surely there were some reasons behind it. It’s not hard to see how these Guidelines work with the Government Subsidized Agricultural Crops.
    They are pushed on us with the backing of “Ultimate Science” and in the “Interest and Benefit of the Public”.

  • Once upon a Health Fad, even actual Practicing Physicians were recommending their patients switch from Natural Butter, to Margarine. For their Health. And the dangers of Microwaves I’m sure are not necessarily discussed as a Health Risk in the curriculums on Nutrition at the Medical Schools. Maybe while studying various cancers the issue of Microwaves and disorganized Molecules and their effects on our own cells became known and interesting. Usually only those that continue their Medical Training and become Naturopathic Physicians. Maybe. Even there.

    The S.A.D. USDA recommendations have told us how essential it is for us to eat 3 well-rounded meals a day for our health and even essential development, and today, the Doctors are now teaching people how beneficial it is for their overall health and longevity to Fast Intermittently.
    Now, we start looking at what all the Ancients and Traditional People practice and say, and 1-2 meals for many in the World is all they will ever dare to eat. Both to manage limited resources, and also, to not ask the Body to work so much.
    There are many different views on what makes a “healthy and happy” diet and lifestyle and what that looks like and works like; and truly, it is a different picture for Every Body, and every Climate.

  • A ‘S.A.D.’ Lifestyle includes a lot of heavily processed, packaged, pre-prepared, non-vital items that resemble foods, yet are actually far from the food which is left. The longer and farther a food item has come from its Natural State and Origin, in Nature, and Natural, Original, Traditional “Living” Preservations and Methods like cultures and ferments, etc; the more likely it is to be practically “dead beyond dead” and certainly without hardly even the essence of the Vital Life Force that it contained when it was fresh, alive and still retained some it’s vitality.

  • Freezing is another form of burning. Food is “burned and cooked” by Freezing. And that means it’s already been “semi-digested”, and then we twice digest it. It’s a lot more work for the body to process it and it might already be depleted or even void of most of (or any) of it’s nutriment and vitamins. Lots of effort for very little gain.
    If that Frozen food then becomes Microwaved, this has already been twice digested before being digested by us again, and the Systems of the Body now have twice as much investment in energy to digest the “food” again, for twice the loss of nutriment and benefit. It’s not a winning formula.

  • Foods in their Natural, Whole Form, as close to Nature as Nature Intended, and then prepared accordingly to Established Traditions offer greater Health-Promoting Benefits in every area and process and System both in our Bodies, as well as for and in our Environment; and into our Greater Existence, through Inter-generational Wisdom of Retaining Strength and Integrity within the Body-Mind of Being and Spirit which can endure the tests of time and span the ages.

  • Many such traditions exist exactly to assist with digestion and breakdown, for optimal digestion and assimilation or absorption, and to support the organs and body systems and processes which improve digestion, that vitamins and minerals can actually be used efficiently and well, and the food does not rot in the gut. Just as traditional Farming methods and Permaculture Principles of today reflect the Wisdoms of ways of growing food, animal husbandry, and ecosytem sustainability; from past-on generational experience which is savvy to the need for diverse ecology and restorative principles.
    We lost touch with the meaning of some of these Traditional Preparation Methods, and how vital they may be and are to our ability to get the Most out of the food, and the resources which Nature offers and provides us.
    This is priceless. You can’t commodify this kind of Wisdom.

  • Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda are both over 2000 years old in written records, and have recommendations for how to optimize digestion, seeing digestion as being the core issue and principle of concern when it comes to improving and preserving One’s health, and the root cause underlying all disease and illness. Digestion is actually a fine art and more delicate and important than we realize, a process we take for granted until we find that it is seriously imbalanced and we are starting to experience the negative effects and re-percussions.
    Literally, we are truly WHAT we Eat.

  • Every Thing that we See with our Eyes, Hear with our Ears, and “take in-to” our Consciousness, is akin to "food” in terms of being information that must be processed by our Body-Mind-Being, in some realm and path and faculty and aspect, with-in us. It is ALL Sustenance and Nourishment which turns into the building blocks of that which we are and will be-come; as well as what we have to Create our Selves and our Real-I-ty with**
    Eating while listening to anything or watching anything in terms of talking, news, media, tv, etc.. asks the Body to work extra-hard to digest everything we are in-taking, bogging down our system and reducing it’s ability to break down the food material, meaning, less digested; potentially dealing with toxic information and toxic feelings, thoughts, etc., further compromising our ability to process it all, or any of it at all.

  • We must be discerning about what information we are taking in, in every given moment, and how that information is and may be affecting and effecting us and our own State of Being, Awareness, and Capabilities; influencing us in our thoughts, feelings, and actions.
    How much is “us”, and how much is “junk mail/advertising/personal and social conflicts/dynamics, etc.”; which don’t really involve us and are not relevant to our lives?
    Guard the Mind and Listen More to the Body. The Body doesn’t Lie. But we can overpower, deny, and attempt to “cover it up”; whatever “it” is…

    The Hunger of the “Eye” can never be “satisfied, satiated, and contented”. We can eat past our “full”, when the eyes see something that they think they simply want to have more of.. even when it is not beneficial.

  • Modern Advertising is a field of Behavioral Science specializing in how images, words, colors and more can be used to manipulate desirability and influencing our emotions and thoughts and choices towards their products and services, causing us to want the thing, experience, resource; feel as though we need them, even if we really don’t truly need them (it).
    Differentiate between what constitutes a genuine need vs a want that is not truly necessary, required, and/or even beneficial.

  • Emotions are not meant to be held, restrained, restricted, avoided, or swallowed and eaten. If this happens then we are demanding our Bodily Systems, Organs and Tissues to do the hard work of breaking down all that extra energy or becoming strained from all the energy that it is taking from other processes. Many Emotions translate into toxic hormones and other natural “chemicals” which are caustic in Nature to our Tissues and create much soft and hard tissue damage as well as glandular damage, organ damage, and tooth, nail and bone loss damage.
    Allow Emotions to move and be respectful to your Body if these issues are coming up and present. Simply Listen and follow the Body. <3

  • Natural and Traditional, Biodynamic, Sustainable and Permaculture food growing methods and relationships to and with the environment, ecosystem, and Harmony between elements instills a greater respect and deeper relationship with the resources and long-term functionality and vitality of the Land, the Inhabitants and the Nutrition of the food; secure, protect, and restore healthy food, environments, systems and communities in a Whole-istic and Whole-y Integral and Integrated way.
    This translates into living wisdom which we can apply to our Bodies, Minds, Beings, and Spirits and use as guidelines for our living and existence, with similar outcomes.

  • Our lives revolve around food, and in our Ancestral Wisdom, we feel this is the Truth of our Existence and our Purpose. When we tend to the Gardens, the Earth and the Food Preparations, we are also tending a Fire which offers much more than Warmth and Food; we are also tending the Fires of Kindred Community, our relationships, our dreams, and our futures, as well as the Elements and Resources which sustain us and our ability to be
    We feel it is time to Return to the Hearth and the Simple Way of Co-Existing with our Earth and One=Another for our Greater Co-Existence.
    A Sustainable and Co-Operative Interdependent Relationship.

  • All Nuts, Beans, Seeds and Grains MUST be soaked and allowed to initially sprout to ensure that the Phytates or Phytic Acids have been sufficiently broken down and digested by the Germ, or the presence of Phytates can become a Mineral and Nutrient BLOCKER essentially making digestion and assimilation of the compounds and nutrients difficult.

  • Water which has been Distilled and Purified as in Reverse Osmosis Treatment, is now essentially 0 or Nuetral and Void of any Mineral Complex and Content. This will damage the Body if drunk exclusively since Water as a compound and element in Nature REQUIRES a Hydrolytic and Piezo-Electric charge in order to be used and exchanged by the Bodily cells and tissues for their function and detoxificaiton.
    If there is no charge or potential to conduct the impulses of the other minerals and elements, then the water will take it FROM our Tissues in order to make it able to function and be utilized. This can cause mineral depletion in the Body and certainly steal the minerals the Body needs to function optimally.

May these reflections offer guidance and support in your own Personal Recovery, Health, and Life Journey <3
Please ask any questions about any element that has been offered, mentioned and shared where you feel to explore further and more deeply.

Be Well and Be In Charge of your own Well~Being!!!

With Great Love


