“When we become what we truly are, we see that we were the Light Living As Self, all the while..”
~Aerin Aura Viel

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Aura Viel & Raji Choose Love

Loving Partners for 18 years, Parents of 14 years, Balanced Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine Co-Operators and Co-Creators, in Real Present Time.

Our Collective Vision and Work is to be “Light-Bearers unto Community”.
- Elder Malidoma Some.

To be representatives of the Principles of True Community, through all that has become distorted through Historical and Current Time.

To Represent, Be, Teach and Share the Paths of True Love, True Heart, and True Peace.
Becoming Beacons for Others <3

With All Our Love
AWEN Ashe Heya Aho Blessed Be