
Amidst the Pandemia, I refuse to wear a mask. I’ll share why.. and why I feel everyone must be informed about the Truth of this situation - in my perspective and veiw- in regards to Genuine Self-Autonomy, and Sovereignty.

I offer my Truth and my Wisdom, gained through my own experience, which both express my non-agreement with the reality that is being forced upon Us and the World, and present the Un-Truths which are Revealed; when seen through the eyes of My Own Greater Conscious Awareness.

For many years there has been discussion and planning by the World Health Organization(s), CDC, FDA and related Industries, that the number of people who contract the Flu and other potentially deadly Virus’ and Die each year needed to be better “tracked” through some centralized system, rather than through many small agencies, and to join agencies for greater control and oversite. Such as The World Health Organization and related associations.

In the last 3-5 years there has been lots of action towards implementing this plan. The original hypothesis estimated that between 250,000-600,000 people every year die from the Seasonal Influenza and that was the basis of the case calling for better study, tracking Globally, and with greater oversight & control by the CDC/WHO to implement these programs. (1), (2)
(Resource articles can be found on the bottom of article in link (2) above*)
The case for wanting to better understand, predict, and prepare for the Annual impact on “healthcare systems and workers”, is made and was a strong element of action in the response Globally to SARS-19; bringing the decision to call a Pandemic and assert Global Lockdown and Quarantine measures.

3-5 years before that, researchers were studying and developing how to make a SARS Virus from the Animal Kingdom, specifically, using Bat-recumbent DNA to jump and infect Human Cells in a laboratory, successfully genetically modifying a hybrid strain of SARS-19. That was 2004.
Also, this additional article to review the methodologies involved.
Scientists have known for many years how to use viral DNA to break into and through our Biological System and Bodily Sacred Matrix and codes and cellular barriers for various purposes, including surgical procedures in the eye. These things have been done and cannot be denied.
How they relate to this current pandemic crisis or not, is for each one to research and consider and decide, or Self-Determine.

As of December 6, 2020 the Total number of those affected Globally is 67,364,449 confirmed cases with 1,541,254 related Deaths and 46,563,912 recovered (derived from worldometers).
The difference comes from those still considered active cases as well.

We must consider first that despite the alarming numbers of individuals stated to have contracted a virus globally, something like this has never before been seen so well tracked, reported, studied, or engaged. A Great number of People that were tested, confirmed and released did not require medical intervention. The actual number of people that have successfully recovered globally is greater than 96%.
Many will have not even been tested and never went to a Doctor to see if they had contracted it.

Certainly, every death during this time will be recorded and scrutinized for accuracy or errors in cause of death and the association with Viral Complications. Those that died will be largely a group of people with already existing conditions which rendered their body incapable of effectively fighting an infection well and successfully. Even without a condition that was, would, or could be known, there must truly be some sort of suppressed immune system function which was unable to effectively defend and endure.

These numbers do not tell us any of this kind of information for us to be informed about all of the factors which constitute the greatest risk. I will get back to this, but we must see that these numbers cannot accurately reflect or demonstrate to us ALL the Truth, despite their power on us (and in many ways, over us). Over a Million people now being well-over their highest prediction of the average Flu, not necessarily a pandemic, is conservatively looking to be about the same sort of risk of outcome of death among those vulnerable populations, statistically, in all Viral outcomes.
Let’s look at vulnerable populations.
These are the same populations that have been known since before the scientific study of Virus’ began. This is not new information. They are: the Elderly, those with existing health issues especially those with suppressed/depressed Immune System function whether visible or invisible, having been or currently using antibiotics or chemotherapy or other immune-compromising conditions and medications, auto-immune conditions, poor organ function, general poor health and malnourishment; which is not only starvation but also a lack of proper and sufficient nutrition in the diet.

Additionally, many people reach for Tylenol or some other fever “suppressant” or other anti-inflammatory drug when they have a fever or feeling ill from a cold or virus, which while intended to offer relief, actually suppresses the Immune System’s Natural response of Fever, or inflammation, which is how the Body mounts its defense against invaders; and this compromises its ability to mount an effective response and defense that truly eradicates the pathogen/antigen, according to its Natural and inherent design and function.
These numbers cannot tell us that; how many made that action, and would have made this choice, and followed that course. In the Hospitals, what was the protocol? That must also be considered and taken into account. These numbers cannot accurately reflect or give us the Whole Truth.

Antibiotics are not recommended and considered contra-indicated for use with Viruses. However, in hospitals, secondary infections after the Virus could necessitate the use of them. And in a Hospital environment, where the use of antibiotics and sterilization is so high, and infectious material is around and easy to transfer, Super-Bug strains of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria and Virus are a serious epidemic that has been known and discussed Globally for at least a decade, if not more. Hospitals being now High-Risk environments for pickup up and greater virility in strains of infectious agents.
Considered “broad-spectrum killers” (most, not all), or bacterio-cides, which kills both “foe” and “friend” alike in the digestive system and throughout the Body, this effectively causes a suppression and depression of the Immune System, rendering the Body weaker and more susceptible to infection, or another Virus or Bacterial antigen.. and less able to fight.

How many Hospital patients that died were given antibiotics which suppressed and depressed their Immune System, or taken had taken them prior, leading to or causing a decreased ability to fight and defend the Body from the secondary infections and complications related to SARS-type infections; and other Viruses in general?
How could we know this from the numbers? Will things such as these be looked at, considered?

Now we need to look at the risk factors associated with these groups and I will begin with comparison..
The #1 cause of death daily, Worldwide and annually, shows quite the story about Humanity’s General Health, with Heart Disease claiming a great deal more lives every year than COVID 19 could ever get near. Many Millions.
More will die from car accidents and strokes. Lung infections are high on the list of Global Deaths due to the SARS-19 outbreak, but there were many, many cases already and unrelated to this specific outbreak. We take our numbers from Deathmeters.

How is it then, that we are not restrained and kept out/from Fast Food Restaurants and Establishments or eat heavily preserved food which compromise our nutrition quality and quantity intakes, or given more public transportation to minimize or restrict the use of cars, or given appropriate assistance and support to learn to reduce stress in one’s life and Body~Mind in order to better respond to any situation? It is all Personal Choice.
Some, which is sanctified as a “right”, and some, which are quantified as not our Right, at all. Much, which is subsidized and marketed to be acceptable and appropriate because it generates revenues and repressed if it truly serves the Collective to become liberated and personally empowered in some way, rather than becoming a customer for life; which is preferred..
The Systems which “serve” us have no love for our genuine needs for wellbeing, and will tend to lean towards compromising the autonomy and sovereignty of the Individual to favor the group or leader’s agenda, and profits; time after time in all time.
Who and what does the Global Isolation Program benefit?

I personally have had several bouts of various sicknesses over this quarantine period, as well as all members of my family, from what seemed and felt like some forms of Virus(es), and potential Bacteria from food-borne salmonella; yet the vomiting could have also been generated by a Virus as well (a common symptom especially in children of certain types of virus).
It’s too challenging to say for certain what we “got” because we don’t do tests or go to Dr.’s for much of anything, really, because we practice Natural Health approaches and traditional Healing Arts with plant medicines, as these are as Nature Provided and Intended for our use; as well as traditionally used with effectiveness and positive outcomes for overall health and wellbeing.

Even if we had gone to a “Medical” Doctor and taken a test and been “verified”, it would be irrelevant to me because I have already identified it and am in action to remedy “it”; working to remediate the symptoms as well as the underlying issues, and mostly importantly working with and to support the process of Nature to function optimally.

In Traditional Healing Arts and Medicine Philosophies and Practices, we do not focus so heavily on the symptoms one is experiencing or treat with a sole focus to eliminate them, as in the Allopathic “Western” model of interventionist “medicine”. We recognize the Body’s Innate Intelligence and Wisdom, as well as the Innate Intelligence and Wisdom of Nature which is inherently able to heal, restore, and regenerate itself;
and so give our full attention to supporting it and its already existing systems; to cleanse and perform at their “best” capacities and functions. Then, the Body can do its work more efficiently and effectively, the way it is already Divinely Designed to do.

Interventionist Medicine attempts to do it “for” us, and to intervene in processes, systems and functions in an attempt to do it instead of supporting the body to do it for itself. In some extremely acute situations, intervention proves Life-Saving. This is its specialty.
In others, sometimes and even oftentimes, it comes at the expense of and even in neglect towards, the rest of the overall Body~Mind System and Being.

Viruses do not “kill” or injure anyone all by themselves. Long-term injury and death are related to Viral Infections which progress and result in complications with other systems and processes in the Body; often due to the Body’s inability to mount an effective response and action to fight, endure, and beat the invading force or material. For all of us, it is one of Hundreds and 1000’s of bacteria, microbes and viruses every year that we will encounter in the Natural Environment (this includes other people and creatures as well as soil, water and air), to be tested by and to overcome.
In the last 5-10 years everyone in the “Civilized” and “Developed” cities and communities in the population centers of the World has known that there are many flu seasons per year, that they vary depending on the climate and weather systems, and we know that we are always exposed and at risk when we go out in the World and cannot avoid these potential antigens. We simply have come to accept it and develop our protocol for response and how we tend to potential issues that arise that would or could lead to danger.

The greatest healthcare concern at the start of the Pandemic, was that people would overwhelm Hospitals and their resources, as things such as ventilators became top priority. We cannot say from the numbers how long any of those who died had waited to go into hospitals, their courses of treatment, or their pre-health history. It is likely that many had/have clear awareness of the risks associated with a Viral Bronchial Infection and how if left un-remedied, can/will/does progress into Pneumonia; or drowning in one’s own fluids, if it is un-productive and difficult to expectorate.
This Natural Process of additional mucous in the Lungs during Viral Infection can be assisted with medicinal herbs and foods and diligence and attention to the process, to be processed and facilitate the Body and the Lungs to expel the excess fluids and phlegm which have and are accumulated/accumulating. Tending to hydration levels and fluids, nutrition levels and vitamin intake, detoxification support like Magnesium Baths and sweating, as well as nourishing and rebuilding protocols such as Immune-supporting foods and herbs, and most importantly, adequate rest;
are the True Remedies.

I feel any “civilized” person can admit they have gone to school, work, and social events when we were with an illness, and that we risk at any time in these places to potentially “catch” something; which we take the risk anyway and go and do. We get on buses and planes and trains. We learn habits of washing as well as keeping our bodies strong. Products with High Vitamin C content, D content, and Zinc, have long been promoted on the market (15-20 years!) as essential Immune System Support and Boosting Minerals and Vitamins..
These support the Immune System and Body to be strong and as such, well defensible against antigens with less susceptibility to catch them or be beat down by them. This is nothing new. We have known all of this and yet we need to always have the autonomy to decide for ourselves to believe it and/or follow it and/or use these wisdoms and/or products.. and to Self-Determine the risks and to take action in the way we feel is most appropriate for each of us.
However, much of the populations are un-informed and the authority models and systems are not the best at providing complete information which is unbiased and without agenda.

The amount of agenda in the COVID response is obvious because this one particular model and approach is asserting itself as being the Authority on the subject/issue, and now a Global Dynamic of Authority, over all matters of Health, Illness and the practices of “medicine” which are part of it. We can’t use the Internet, or applications and functions, or engage with media, the outside world, markets, other people, our loved ones, or have any sort of function or engagement where the COVID threat isn’t plastered everywhere and all up in our faces at every turn and move; affecting and effecting our function(s).

All others have become forbidden to practice their arts and methods and modalities of medicine, like Chinese Medicine Practices, Ayurvedic Practices, and even European Herbalism, African Traditions and Native American Practices and Traditions, and every single other modality or method defined as “Alternative” medicine practice in today’s “market” are limited and restricted.
These, which are in fact the oldest, most Ancient, and “original” forms of our Medicine throughout our Human History.
We are evolved as much from these traditions and the plants that were used and the elements of the Earth, as any other food, environment or experience, throughout time.

While touted as being new “alternatives” to the Dominant Scientific Medical and Pharmaceutical Industries, these are not new. And those that choose to work only with the medicines of the plants and herbs and naturally crafted plant medicines which are harmonious and supportive to the Systems of the Body~Mind and Being; are attempted to be denied the right to practice these original and effective forms of Personally-Empowered Healing and Wellbeing, and denied our Personal Choice.
This too, is old news. An on-going ordeal to be “free” and recognized and allowed… for the People to decide for ourselves and to govern ourselves in the manner of medicine that we deem most beneficial and appropriate for our Ethics, Needs, and Personal Beliefs. To govern ourselves Freely, without the need for “Authority” and Authoritarian Models and Structures and Philosophies and Practices and Medicine which profits on our sufferings rather than generates bounty from our wellness.

They get us with the Fear of Death. Wherever there is the Fear of, or Risk of especially Death, there is a strong impulse to react to Self-Protect, and in such states we are and can be very susceptible to the influences which we are under in terms of being persuade-able in our grasping for “security”;
real, perceived, or imagined.
We can be willing to compromise our true and genuine security and wellbeing for an idealized opportunity to escape the threat in the moment, or get what we believe it is we need. Like going out to get tested for COVID to “confirm” and “validate” that the injury is real and the threat is “true”;
confirming our fears and validating our mind-set of the “outer threat”.

Recognizing the Body as needing to rest and heal, staying in and supporting it through its process in mounting an effective fever, beating it and moving it out is the best and most efficient way to manage these conditions. If it gets rough, knowing what to watch for and what means potential trouble, and how to support, facilitate and encourage the Body Systems to work more efficiently to process and move through; could have supported many and encouraged many to stay in and staying out of Hospitals, just as well if not more so than putting the World on Quarantine restriction.
The recovery rate is so high at over 95% this shows that in fact, it was not highly fatal and likely represents only the most severely impacted and susceptible individuals and populations, which with some investigation will reveal those places with a lower recovery rate were the poor, malnourished (under-nourished), and oppressed populations. AS ALWAYS.

The figurative scales are the proportion that would be anticipated and expected by any Viral outcome in the population anywhere, every time. There is not a great deal of death by Total Volume of the population, overall, and what might or would likely amount to what is “typical” and expected of the population by previous standards and outcomes for Viruses of any kind; and is seen as reflecting similarly in this case here, now, with COVID-SARS-19.
There are, indeed, many that have not gone out to be tested and are not able to adequately reflect on the overall numbers, in which case the percentage of deaths and confirmed cases could raise or lower, for the anticipated 1-5% of the population which is most at risk.
We have not been tested, and by surprise, I may, however will not seek it out. The 4 other members of my family have not been tested either and I am of no mind to go and see, as it does not worry me.

The appeal of the Authorities has been to slow the spread and “save lives” through isolation and distancing protocols, promoting the risk and threat of Death as the driving issue, as well as weakened or compromised structure in the “health working field and facilities”. A great deal of Hospitals, if not most, throughout the World are Private Companies which are for-profit enterprises. To appeal this to the masses that Hospitals are under-equipped for crisis’ and need reinforcement, serves the Pharmaceutical-Medical Industry now even more deeply into a monopoly of Power with Governments and the Militaries.
And, without doubt they are in cahoots; as all are businesses, corporations, and enterprises which profit on Human suffering and would benefit by generating crisis’ such as these.
If you have never heard President Eisenhower’s Final Address warning the American People about the Military-Industrial Complex and Empire, 50-60 years ago … please give it a moment of your attention to watch on youtube, now.

Along with this are also the concerns about forced vaccination and Vaccination/Viral Inoculation. We must explore the Vaccination and Herd Immunity Theory AS a Theory, concept, and idea to fully comprehend their purpose and practice; and Self-Determine our own “need” for this (them), or not.
The idea, theory and practice of Viral Inoculation is to irritate the Body with “small” exposures of the dead or live virus cellular material to illicit and cause a reactionary response in the Body, which is supposed and hypothesized to be effective “enough” (or more so) in stimulating the Immune System to respond to it with the production of antibodies; constituting the needed signature marker for “immunity”, or resistance to the Viral Pathogen again in the future.
This sort of “immunity” was not naturally acquired or engaged, and is not in a state that we would normally encounter it in a Natural State. Our Body didn’t encounter it live and recognize it and beat it and have full memory of that. The memory of that, is what offers and affords us a genuine, life-long lasting Naturally-Acquired Immunity and antibodies; or Wisdom, we could say. This Artificial “Immunity” is not a “passed-on” genetic wisdom, and each generation must continue to receive the inoculation protocols which usually require multiple doses and treatments over time as children grow through stages and adults move into their older ages.
Each Generation they are pushing more and more and more.

The Inoculation Theory is based upon a principle of “Herd Immunity” which asserts that when 80% or so of the “Herd” population is inoculated against viruses, this purportedly “eradicates” them from the population. However, it will never be technically “eradicated” from the Human System’s response functions without the mechanisms being implemented upon each new generation which must be “executed”; and the Viral Antigens themselves continue to remain part of the Natural Environment, even adapting, evolving and mutating every season and over time, necessitating ever more and continued need for further Inoculant exposure and mechanisms to be exacted to “maintain” this Artificially-Induced immunity .

It is an Artificially-dependent idea, theory and practice. On the contrary, Medical Sciences have long-known that the Immune System will develop a truly Natural Immunity through antibody production in direct response to antigens, which indicates that the warriors of the Body have memory of the invader and can recognize it and resist it in the future.
However, this truly effective antibody production, which lends life-long resistance to contracting it again, only comes from having actually contracted the antigen and then beating it.
It truly is survival that makes our systems stronger, and in many ways, requires these challenges in order to ensure survival, long-term, and even inter-generationally. We can’t “fake” this kind of integral strength in our System. Yet, with inoculation we believe that we can, that it’s “enough”, and that it is effective and sufficient, yet it only works with 80% compliance, and is not without error, or other risk.

We have chosen to take the route of supporting our naturally-endowed systems to do precisely what they were Divinely Designed to do, and receive the blessing of optimal function, wellness and wellbeing. We entrust our Body’s Innate Wisdom and Superior Design to know what’s needed and what to do.
And, we practice supporting this, with the superior Wisdom of Creation, in Nature, which provides for us the Plants for both our foods and our Medicines, with the Wisdom and Traditions of our Ancestors, who only survived for me to see the day that I could exist here and be Alive.
In their own Sacred Dance and Partnership, not separate from one another, but the same.

This relationship we share with the microbes, bacteria, and pathogens of the World, is Ancient. And we have continued to survive, regardless. Not all, yet each that does, carries on a virility which can span the generations. Our predecessors understood that the Elderly and little children are the most susceptible to disease which causes death, just like famines and starvation, and extreme weather conditions like Winter.
Traditionally, in order to assist them in maintaining Immunity, they would expose themselves to the children who were sick. Getting another “live” dose, and beating it is the needed “booster” to defend us into our later life, just as it did in the earlier half, with all the new variations of the next generation.

Our Elders are fearing getting sick due to their “fragility” and avoid exposures, which actually creates susceptibility. Contrary to the approach and the story that is being asserted to us now. Millions of Elders in need of not only assistance, but even more importantly, contact, affection, company, and connection (=Love); have been isolated and quarantined for months.
This will have a great toll on overall Health and Wellbeing into the future when we consider the effects and true impacts of this combined and compounded stress, along with the added stress of fear of future Virus’ and another pandemic; whether this one ever goes away, returns, or in the next incident/mutation/evolution… next season.. it will be something.

Living in perpetual fear of getting sick and dying is not beneficial or positive, nor supportive of one’s health and wellbeing; in the moment, or chronically over a long-term. And, that is what is going to be revealed as the more acute phase passes and the aftermath begins to unfold and be seen.
Living in Fear of Death robs us of our Life in the Now. No-one, not one, is going to make it “out” Alive.
We will all die someday, from something or other. we cannot escape it, and it is not something to fear.
It is a passage from one way of “being” to another.
The Ancients, our Ancestors, honored and revered Death as much as Birth, for they are the Sacred Gateways and passages that are part of our Life, and Life; inseparable. Having fear of injury or Death from an environmental pathogen, from an aspect of Nature, will result in a perspective and view which sees Nature and the Natural World as a threat and an enemy, one which we must avoid, eradicate and defend ourselves against.
And this view is harmful to the Psyche.

Inoculation Theory and practice is one such inspired action, based in a premise that we can “trick, beat, trump”, and gradually totally usurp Nature’s Design to try and create a defense which can “eradicate” said enemy’(s). Unlike the Warrior, which engages with confidence and also humility, with a sense of Self-Sacrifice for the greater wellbeing of the Whole, goes forward fear-lessly without fear or a need to harm unnecessarily.
There is much that can be done and implemented and learned in regards to building resistance and maintaining integrity of Systems in order to have the greatest ability to withstand attacks on us, but we were endowed by Nature and the Divine Blueprint of our Sacred Design which gives and lends to us this type and quality of Personal, Communal and Collective Integrity that affords us genuine strength and integrity.

If we are reacting out of Fear, we are not responding clearly, with clarity.
And we cannot receive or process information well, and are not really capable of supporting another in a Crisis. We must remember this, and I encourage, reflect deeply on this and its impacts that we can see.
There is little that will make a person obey faster and more completely, than the fear of Death will. Viruses alone do not cause death, or even long-term injury, necessarily, however complications can arise from fighting an infection, and specifically, the in-ability to fight the infection effectively as to beat it; is a potential outcome/potential risk that can result from Viral Infections.
This is really, really, really Essential and Important to fully comprehend.

The SARS Viruses are identified as being especially aggressive Bronchial Infections and were/are supposed to require respirators, which they may or may not have actually required or truly needed. Hospitals operate for profit and the Medical Model is interventionist; ready and eager to offer an intervention of treatment, especially Pharmaceutical Drugs, which are eagerly given and usually (almost and nearly always) asserted or forced in some form, and exorbitantly expensive.
There is much to become aware to and alert about in simply accepting the story as it is being told. Even when it’s a flashing banner invading every platform, service and business I may find myself going to, or my eyeballs may fall upon and look at. Even when it forces its message in all our mobile/media devices and application, as well as signs and stickers plastered on the door of every store.
I feel that if we allowed ourselves to step it back a bit, and pause and reflect about how many people die of Viral Infections every year - previous this pandemic - that given the great number of People on the Planet, this is not an unreasonably dangerous event; but the powers that be in the Authorities of the World would do everything they are capable of at this point to paint a picture that proves otherwise.

People dropping dead like flies… Worldwide, was the fear that was in brew in the Mind’s Imagination, which was the scene being painted for us by the Media. The countries which have suffered the greatest numbers of Deaths, are ironically, in some of the most “developed”, and yet simultaneously, most impoverished places. Places which are not as developed throughout the World and have large populations which live/subsist in poverty, and will have limited access to ample clean water, nutritious foods, and a sustaining environment; will be the most heavily impacted and terribly affected as a result. This is due to poor and suppressed immunity due to lack of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, essential proteins, potentially dealing with toxicity in the environment and foods, in addition to the stressors of survival.

In the most developed Nations, there will be an equal number of deaths related to this crisis by those in poverty as those who eat a modern Standard Diet of heavily processed and packaged foods, “junk” foods, artificial chemicals, and food-production and packaging-related toxins, as well as suppressed immunity due to medical interventions; not to mention sugar and soda pop.
And an excessive amount of meat and milk with antibiotics and synthetic hormones.
At least, and maybe over 10 years ago, the WHO had made a Global Statement which was warning about the rise and growing risk of anti-biotic resistant strains of “super-bugs” which were forming and increasing and beginning to ravage throughout the World, especially in Hospitals.
And there was a link being made directly with the increased and excessive use of antibiotics in production animals used for food.

This came right to my mind when the Pandemia began, and also, when I learned that across the United States, livestock operations and mono-cultured farms of crops alike- were being mass slaughtered, turned up, and turned over; and disposed of. Millions and Millions of pounds of food in both crops and animal meat were destroyed and wasted.
This was never fully revealed as to what the purpose and meaning might be to do such a thing in response to a Virus. Fearing that it could be spread on and live on/in animal flesh? We all know that Viruses have a potential to spread fast and easily and cause widespread illness.
But then what about the Wheat?

We must remember though that this is a constant reality in the World, and when one season ends, another begins. We could keep this up in perpetuity, this fear of COVID, which appears to have no end in sight.. and how could it ever end with the way it’s going? We’ll sit here til the vaccines come, and then either obey or resist.
Like any Virus.. it’ll come again. This is looking more like the new way things are.
We now have a Global Population in Fear and Self-Protective Defense, at the very mention of virus, someone coughing or showing symptoms; and there are several seasons a year we will have to continue to face this reality. This represents very real Psychological, Behavioral, Social, and Biological challenge we have to face into the foreseeable and unforeseeable, future; evidenced now in our social dynamics at play.

The Reality is that the SARS Virus strains are a unique set of Respiratory Viruses, the most aggressive replicators with the highest risk of secondary infections and other complications like Pneumonia.
No, it’s not an Influenza Virus, however, on the Psychological and mental/emotional levels of our Being and awareness, it is not going to be distinguishable from any of those other things when there is now a real and present “danger” of outside invaders/attackers with the potential for Death. Whether a fear is really real and actually related to an appropriate situation or imagined and internally-created from past memories, fears and trauma pathways; the Biological response and cost is the same.

Many are now living with and in, chronic fear and a Chronic Fear State. This is a toxic and potentially deadly situation as it increases the risk and susceptibility of being prone to illness, poor sleep, poor digestion, excess muscle tension, and mental strain, anxiety, and depression; thus suppressing the Body’s Immune System and systems of defense even further. The resources are exhausted and low, taxed and strained.
There can tend to be more Self-Destructive behavior under conditions like this.
These Psychological impacts foster a loathing and fear of Nature, of our Natural World and Systems and Existence, our trust in our selves and our own innate Human Nature and capacity or non-capacity to find contentment and peace in Life; in Self, other and the Whole ‘One’.

When one feels this way, they are at “odds” with others, with the Natural Rhythms and Wisdoms, the Natural World and the Environment “outside”; not like myself, a source of separation among people, within Self, separation from one’s Life “agreements”. Those “others”. The Non-Inherently-Endowed Living Creators whom we see as different from our own Self.

How different are we, really, in our truest most Core Essence? We are all born from our Mother’s Womb’s and Blood, and Bones and hold all the Ancestral Wisdom of the Ages; and are an animated, Living Being of Creation. We are all Human Beings. We all have Blood the same color, Hearts that beat, are conscious and sentient in our awareness of ourselves; empowered by our Divine and Sacred Design to be Creators in this realm of Life.
We are all designed by Nature and the Great Wisdom of the Cosmos, to have an immune system which is designed to mount a defense and an offense on any invaders to our body system. This is a gift of our Ancestors to us. One I pray to not squander, or waste.

There have likely only been a couple of generations with exposure to vaccines, agricultural chemicals and other petrochemicals, and other toxic invasions in my family. It’s possible that what exposure there was, was extreme, in the infancy of the chemical model and use. “Industrial” agriculture, which predominates, is steadily fading away in these times of the Organic Standard, permaculture, and beyond.
We are able to make major connections to slow, heal and reverse the damage that has and is being caused to our DNA.. for the future generation’s sake. Our Immune System is ours to enjoy & trust in which is a gift from our Ancestors and each that got sick, got Viruses, beat them, got better, and didn’t die (before we were born). The gift of their virility and capacities to fight and to endure, are robbed from us as well as our future genetics and strengths when we opt for the artificially-induced way, the short-cut way, and the “too-safe” way.

Bacterial and Viral encounter is vital. Necessary. Essential. Without these encounters or engagements, we would have no “defenses”, no “memory”, and lack exercise and strength. A healthy Human Being will have a Natural Response to these factors many times throughout a year. Getting exposed to or “catching” something and recovering quickly says more about our strength in this area than “never getting sick”, which is what this model is supposing and proposing to us as the form of the “ideal” for Health.
That healthy, virile adults, children and teenagers, as well as older adults, are all being made to deny themselves the literal opportunity to encounter these antigens and potential pathogens of Nature and to develop stronger Immunity for the benefit of their lifetimes and the children they bear into this Life, for the sake and the integrity of future generations of children to come; are not allowed this freedom to inter-act with Nature, the Natural World and to develop their Natural Systems!!

Protect them from Agricultural chemicals, pesticides, herbicides and synthetic Petro-chemicals.

Protect them from the influences of toxic Artificial Flavorings, colorings, and plastic packaging, fake, frozen, pre-made, non-vital foods.

Protect them from synthetic fragrances and toxic scents, fumes and chemicals in the products that you use. Especially directly on the skin. It’s going to be absorbed into the blood supply.

Know what these chemicals “do”, are, and if they are truly necessary or not.

For most of Human History, we have not lived like this. Only the last 4-5 generations. Long enough for us all to completely forget our Great Grandmothers ways of combating these kinds of illnesses. Most importantly being a nice hot fever, nutritious broths, medicinal herbal teas and plenty of fluids, salt baths, therapeutic herbal elixirs, syrups, candies, and cod liver oil.
There is truly a wealth. And I am being broad and non-specific in the sense that this is not taking into account those that do have some form of Immune-compromization from Birth, previous or current illness including the Pharmaceutical drugs that may inhibit, depress, or suppress the Body’s Immunity or overall function and virility, or malnourishment.

Those individuals are the ones that need to take all necessary precautions and not assume that everyone else around needs to be as cautions as that. They should even quarantine themselves. Everyone else needs to swap bacteria like our lives depend on it. And in a micro-biotic way it is as real as that. Because we do need to adapt and evolve, continuously, to maintain virility and response-ability to the environments that we live in. Never before in the History of the Earth have so may beings been able to move across such great distances and landmasses and waters, swapping bacterium and other cellular material and viruses, which are not “of” our own Natural Habitat or immediate environment.
Our exposure translates to future virility and resistance for coming generations. Let’s think of THEM.

Many Generations now have encountered “germs” from other environments which were foreign to us, perhaps and possibly even, without ever having to go there. Again, to pick something up and have a course of illness and it goes away fairly quickly, is evidence that the Body & system is doing it’s job effectively and efficiently.
If it does not go away, lingers, and begins to involve other issues as well, then there is a general pre-existing weakness in the Body~Mind of the Being which is anchoring a field of susceptibility, and may need detoxing, specific and targeted treatment, and greater support.

Read more in the blog posts listed below for greater insight into each of these areas of Vital and Essential, Necessary Wisdom; for All to be Conscious to.

Meanwhile, we are working on getting ourselves to the place and the point where we don’t get anything at local markets and are sourcing more of what we need through local producers and farmer-owned cooperatives, as directly as possible. As there is very little else we need and/or need to do where wearing masks will be required.
It’ll be a few more months before we will be ready to put out starts and grow food, and the cold and quiet of winter is going to be spent setting up for more food production in the spring, with chickens and coops to create before their arrival.

Our intention and goals are to continuously work towards Personal and Collective Sovereign Autonomous CoOperative Self-Sustainability and the foundation of 13 Villages which are able to exemplify these principles in action and in thriving, all around the World.

In the meantime, if I DO have to go out there.. I usually say this Circus needs some clowns and so that’s what I’m here for, and that how I engage with it.

Never straight forward and never taking it personally.

How long are we going to keep up the hoop jumping and the acrobatics?
Ultimately, we decide.

We promote, encourage, speak about and share beneficial wisdom with others in regards to all the ways we can become and BE Self-Informed, Self-Aware, Self-Realizing, and Self-INPowered, in this NoW Time.


